Monday, September 12, 2005

Hangin' with the Hounds...

This weekend wasn’t too terribly eventful as I was looking after the Mikkelsen hounds. Always good to visit the dogs. They were true to form with Hank and Elvis wanting nothing more than for me to break out the laser pointer and run them up and down the stairs. Natasha is either getting smart or lazy as she’ll just wait downstairs for the laser to come to her. Della gets a kick out of it too but isn’t anywhere near as aggressive as the others in her pursuit of the elusive red dot. 300 plus channels on the big screen and wouldn’t you know it, Goliath jumps from the couch to the adjoining chair and lands directly on the remote. Thus killing all signal to the TV. Took me 30 minutes of button pushing and by process of elimination I finally got the thing back up again. I therefore missed a good chunk of “Collateral”. No harm though, it was on again in the morning. The other downer is that there I was with the house all to myself and access to a swimming pool and what happens? It’s mostly overcast all weekend. This after a blistering heat wave in the preceding weeks. I can’t win!!

Hank can sleep in any position necessary!

The Mikkelsen clan spent the weekend in Vegas for Eric’s 21st birthday. They returned with some pretty good stories about some of Eric’s antics, bodily functions and strange choices in the way of sleeping arrangements. (Closets, bathtub, etc.) Sounds like everyone had a pretty good time and everyone got back safe and sound. Steaks and some Lamb chops concluded the evening with chicken Caesar salad on the side. It was all great. Back to the grind this morning so we’ll see how the week unfolds. . . . .



Anonymous said...

The house is coming along slowly, yet surely. Man o man, last night me and sean took that damn elipticle upstairs. With what you ask? sweat and manpower! well, I was on the pulling end, and i kinda fu**ed my back. Oh well. Moms happy. If shes happy, the home is happy ;)

Scott said...

Did you kooks take the whole box upstairs? I told your Muz that you might want to take it up there in pieces.. That thing was a tank!