Monday, October 10, 2005


Nothing terribly eventful to report this weekend. Hooked up with Robert who has an amazing workbench in his garage and a boatload of spare parts in an attempt to resurrect Winnie’s computer.

No.. Not that Winnie...

Plugged it in, hooked up all the basic input devices and pushed the button. Zilch!!! Nada !!! Nothing!! Opened her up and pulled the power supply. Robert knew just where to go. Into his magic cabinet and Voila… A slightly used power supply which by chance came from my old Compaq that was retired. Mounted it plugged in all the Molex connectors and tried again. Good news… we have juice and everything appears to be running. Optical drive trays etc. Bad news.. No viddy.. Couldn’t get anything to pop up on the monitor. Gotta’ feeling that in the course of the power supply getting chazzed the motherboard also self destructed. Tried a separate video card and still nothing. It’s out of our hands at this point as we don’t have another motherboard lying around. Morbid curiosity inspired us to run the system recovery disc in hopes that it might restore the video drivers.. NOT!!!

We did what we set out to do by pulling the hard drive, jumpering it as a slave and hooking it up to another functioning system. Worked like a charm. From there we ended up copying all of her vital information to disc for installation on her new box.. That’s about all we could do at that point.

Tried to limber up for Monday night league by tossing a few games Sunday afternoon. Experimented quite a bit with angles and releases which wasn’t going well. Made some adjustments to my delivery and started doing much better towards the end. I think I have to get down, bend my knees more and get the ball on the lane a little sooner. We’ll see what happens tonight.

Hope everyone had a good weekend…



Phil said...

Gawd, I HATE computer problems!!!

Scott said...

This one was kinda fun to diagnose actually.. but we just couldn't save it. Robert's garage it great. You wouldn't believe all the spare parts he has laying around there. All the systems in his house amount to just over a terrabyte of storage.. Insane..

Anonymous said...

I can't say I hate computer problems. After all, if it weren't for computer problems, I probably wouldn't have been constantly employed for the last 25(!) years, own a house, and have all these toys, sleep in mornings, etc. I would probably be some starving artist out on the street playing guitar for tips (and it wouldn't be a Taylor). But there are times when I wish the damn things would behave better and not be so tempermental.

Actually, I have over a terabyte in just two systems alone, the two "main" systems you saw Scott, one in the office upstairs and the one in the music studio. Both have a pair of 250GB SATA drives, plus a smaller IDE for no particular reason (it was probably just laying around). That, along with 370GB of external drive space, should support the growth of my MP3 and software libraries for the near future. 2GB and 1GB of Corsair TWINX1024-3200XL chips, respectively. Both support SLI and run AMD processors (cool and quiet). Oh, and they got see-thru windows and purty lights, too. My home page is set to (just kidding).

My third system is nice and flexible now with two removable drive bays for whatever I feel like throwing in for testing and whatnot, but most of the time has my Linux drives in it. All systems happily networked, of course.

Now about all that other stuff.... help me out here, Scott. Do something for all my poor homeless computer parts. Otherwise, stay tuned for a garage sale, er... make that a garage liquidation, coming your way soon!
(and please don't say the e-word)

Scott said...

Hey Robert,
Wendy (Winnie) says thanks for taking a look at her system. She's a seamstress as well and would be happy to darn your socks or do an alteration or two for you. She got a pretty good deal on a Dell Dimension 2400 and I'll probably go over to her place Saturday and hook it all up for her. Probably throw that extra hard drive in the box as well. She said you're more than welcome to the parts in the old unit. Your living Studio is totally cool...

Phil said...

my cat's breath smells like cat food...