Thursday, April 27, 2006

Too Good ...

Jdlow77 had another one on "youtube" that's great so I pinched that one as well. Here's one he likes to play at the Opry in honor of Roy Acuff... The guitar sounds a little out of tune but I'd imagine this particular song requires an alternate tuning.

Doyle is just silly good...

No image captured on this one as of yet... I'll fix it when one becomes available...
Trust me, there is a video there...


Wednesday, April 26, 2006

More from Doyle ...

As most or all of you know I'm a huge fan of this guy... and with not a whole lot else going on I thought I'd take this opportunity to share some of his incredible talent with you. You don't even have to attend church regularly to appreciate his music or exactly what he can do with some wood and six strings.. His daughter Haley accompanies him on this piece and she's no slouch in the vocal dept. either... Little sweetheart too...

This is probably the most incredible arrangement of a classic hymn I've ever come across... The video quality isn't all that marvy but that kinda adds to the coolness. A home movie of the master if you know what I mean...

Enjoy and feel free to share with your friends.. and if you're even slightly impressed, leave a comment...

Thanks to "jdlow77" from the member listings for sharing it with me.

It's all good!!!


Monday, April 24, 2006

Yawn ...

Nothing too eventful to report as it’s pretty much been the same ole’ routine. Work, eat, compute and sleep, then do it all over again. There is some news however. A memorial service was held Saturday morning for my 20” TV which passed away quietly in the night after 15 years of faithful service. As fate would have it she gave up the ghost on the dawn of the Stanley Cup Playoffs. A period of mourning was in order but after gathering my composure I hit the net and did some research. Ended up with a Toshiba Flat Tube unit which is pictured below. The built in VCR and DVD player are extremely handy and eliminate the obligatory tangle of cords that accompany separate components. The downside of course is that if something’s on the fritz with the combo, the entire TV has to be dragged in for repair. I think I’ll keep my stand alone units in storage in case something happens.

You’d think something this seemingly fancy would come with a backlit remote as I’ve seen lower end models that included them, but noooooooo… No glow keys here. I’ll survive as long as I have my CNN in the morning whilst preparing for work and Hockey at least until someone is awarded Lord Stanley’s Cup…


JimBob made it to the “Bowl” just in time for league Sunday morning. I had practice all out of the way and was looking up and down the place the whole time wondering if he was going to show up. I had just begun to punch him in as absent when Pat came running down from the desk saying that he had just seen him pull into the parking lot. He laced ‘em up and proceeded to tell me the story of how he was out clubbin’ most of the night and was not really in any condition to do anything but sleep. Low and behold he bowled over his average in all of his league games. This was something akin to the time I was fighting that lousy lingering 2 week cold awhile back and couldn’t pick up a sock much less a bowling ball, but managed my high scratch series. I actually bettered that yesterday by tossing a 630 scratch series for the 3 game set. You do the math. Adding insult to injury we took 3 of 4 on the score sheet from the 1st place couple. The victory was bittersweet though as said couple was Jason and Melissa Woody who are very, very good friends of ours. Jason would hand me my butt 9 out of 10 games but I just got on a little hot streak which I attribute to being completely amped on 3 large cups of coffee.

Gee, I guess there was more news than I thought…

Be well all,
